Tailor-made solutions

Reduction of changeover time

Single Minute Exchange of Die

SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die) is an issue relating to techniques and tools to shorten the changeover time of machines, devices and production processes. The main goal of SMED is to carry out each changeover in a unit number of minutes (less than 10) and to simplify the entire production process in such a way that the changeovers are performed safely according to established standards and in the shortest possible time. The originator of this concept is Shigeo Shingo.
Thanks to SMED, our clients gain:
  • Higher production flexibility by reducing production batches, and thus the possibility of faster response to changing customer orders (which in turn is supposed to increase customer satisfaction),
  • Better control over the changeover process, which is manifested by raising the standards of work, safety and stability of the process itself,
  • Higher productivity of converted machines and processes,
  • Improving workstation organization standards during changeover by organizing the process and all equipment related to changeover,
  • Reducing the level of stocks of materials and raw materials for work in progress and finished products,
  • Shorter production time for the product to pass through the company’s value stream, thus improving financial liquidity.

Let's start with the implementation of your project!

Contact us and let's talk about what we can do for you.